Speculative Evolution Wiki
Speculative Evolution Wiki

Łöč is the name given by the Ëšvü to what Humans in our timeline call Earth our home planet. Unlike in our timeline during the Triassic period a gamma burst had struck the surface of Łöč wiping out Archosaurs and Synapsids leaving the majority of amniotes to be Sauropterygians, Rhynchocephalians and Younginiformes.

Dawn of the Glacierzoic[]

Because of the mass extinction during the Mesozoic/Glacierzoic boundary the next age became fundamental in defining the Ëšvü, the Glacierzoic unlike the Triassic became a beautiful age, glaciers formed and the temperature of the highlands became cold capping the mountains across Laurasia and Gondwana, the lowlands became temperate and the oceans remained pleasant and warm. The fauna had rapidly adapted to both the climate change and the vacant niches, It is believed early Nothosaurs and Placodonts had survived the extinction and as result of a population boom had formed a hybrid species, a merged Nothosaur/Placodont lineage, this newly emerged lineage became the great Saurotheres.

Examples of Saurotheres


This colossal beast dominates the Pine forests and grasslands of the lowlands. With a thick skin and blubber this creature uses these as both its energy reserve as well as its primary defence, it's feet are digigrade and its toes hoof-like in appearance with a dorsal let flat and heavy tail which acts as a counterweight to its neck and a fan to keep it cool, it also uses its tail, to defend its young. As a herbivore it is adapted to stripping off pine needles and grass with its sharp comb like teeth and then chew it with its flat pebble teeth on the inside of the mouth, it's neck is long and flexible to help reach branches and to spot predators. Like most Saurotheres it has a fair coat of fur to keep it warm during cold weather.


A flight capable Saurothere which specialises in eating amphibians. It is a part of a group of Saurotheres which have specialised ankle bones in order to adopt an efficient bipedal stance like a bird, with winglike front wings which resemble bats except all phalanges are elongated for flight. It's snout is long and uses it to root out toads and salamanders in the marshlands. It's front teeth resemble ice picks which they use to impale amphibians and then chew them with their fat ridged back teeth on their palate.
